Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

If you don’t confirm your eligibility to take a drug or undergo a medical procedure, your health could be at risk. Abortion drugs are no exception—you deserve to have the facts before making a decision. Choices Family Resource Center is here to provide medically accurate information about abortion and answer your questions. Schedule a confidential

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Every woman’s abortion experience, just like every woman, is unique. Many women say they immediately feel relief afterward, while others say they feel sorrow, grief, or loss. Research has found that there are emotional consequences from abortion for some women. If you are considering abortion, discuss the potential mental health issues with your healthcare provider

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. Both come with risks and side effects to consider before making an informed decision. Keep reading to learn more about each type and the key facts you should know. You can also visit us to discuss your options and receive no-cost early pregnancy services. Schedule an

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My Partner is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

An unplanned pregnancy is stressful enough without having someone pressuring you to do something you may not want to do. Abortion is a significant physical and emotional decision. The bottom line is it’s your body, and no one has the right to pressure you. Did You Know You Have Options? Often, when a woman discovers

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What Is a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion, commonly referred to as the abortion pill method, is the same. This type of abortion uses drugs, rather than surgery, to terminate a pregnancy. Like every major medical decision, it’s essential to understand the procedure, the side effects, and the potential risks. We’re glad you are reading this, and we’re happy to

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