Every woman feels differently after an abortion. Some may feel relieved, while others might be sad, anxious, or confused. There’s no right or wrong way to feel, and your emotions are valid.

If you’ve had an abortion and are struggling emotionally, Choices Family Resource Center is here for you. We’ll provide the resources and support you need during your healing journey.

Mental Health Effects After Abortion

As mentioned before, women react differently to abortion. Abortion is a major medical decision with possible psychological and physical consequences.

According to the National Library of Medicine, women can experience negative mental health effects following abortion procedures, including:

  • Grief
  • Feelings of loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Depending on your unique situation, you could experience these feelings. Other factors, such as cultural and religious beliefs, feeling pressured to have an abortion, and pre-existing mental health conditions, can impact your recovery journey.

If you’re suffering from the psychological effects of abortion, know there’s hope. We’ll outline options to help you find healing and peace.

Finding a Road to Recovery

Speaking with a mental health professional, such as a licensed counselor or therapist, can be beneficial. Individuals trained in post-abortion recovery provide the tools and experience you need to begin your healing journey.

Talking about your experiences in a support group can also help. Having those hard conversations with other post-abortive women can make all the difference and help you find community.

Engaging in self-care activities like exercise, spending time with friends, or partaking in your favorite hobby can help you find normalcy during this time. Remember, healing isn’t linear. You’ll have good and bad days, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.

Choices Family Resource Center offers a “Surrendering the Secret” post-abortion support group. This no-cost, confidential service helps women find the healing and peace they deserve.

Make an appointment today to speak with a trusted staff member. You aren’t alone and have a place here.