If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to understand the potential physical effects it may have on your body.
Both medical abortion (commonly known as the “abortion pill”) and surgical abortion come with unique risks and potential complications.
At Choices Family Resource Center, we’re here to provide accurate information and support to help you make an informed decision about your health.
Read on to learn the essentials you need to know about how abortion works and how it might affect you physically. Or contact our office to schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment in a safe, supportive space.
How Medical Abortion Works
A medical abortion involves taking two drugs:
- Mifepristone: This drug blocks the hormone progesterone, which is needed to sustain a pregnancy. Without it, your uterine lining will shed, causing your pregnancy to detach and end.
- Misoprostol: This drug is taken next, and it causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy out through the vagina.
Physical risks of medical abortion include:
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Incomplete abortion, which is when parts of the terminated pregnancy remain in your uterus—and it can lead to a potentially life-threatening infection
- Infection
- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
After taking these drugs, you will inevitably experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping, and some women have reported that their pain was unexpectedly severe.
How Surgical Abortion Works
A surgical abortion is a procedure performed in a medical setting where instruments are used to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. The type of procedure depends on how far along the pregnancy is. For example, earlier in pregnancy, scraping tools and strong suction will remove the pregnancy. However, later on, forceps may be necessary to remove the larger parts of the pregnancy.
Physical risks of surgical abortion include:
- Infection
- Uterine perforation, which is when the medical instruments poke a hole in your uterus)
- Cervical damage/scarring, which can lead to painful periods and future infertility
Why an Ultrasound Is Essential
Before making any pregnancy decision, it’s critical to get an ultrasound. This simple scan helps:
- Confirm if the pregnancy is viable (detecting a heartbeat)
- Determine how far along you are (gestational age)
- Rule out an ectopic pregnancy, which can be life-threatening if untreated
At Choices Family Resource Center, we offer no-cost ultrasounds to ensure you have the essential information needed to protect your health.
We’re Here for You
You’re not alone as you navigate your pregnancy options. We’re here for you, every step of the way.
Contact us today to schedule a confidential, no-cost appointment.
*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.